Access to parks, gardens and countryside
By All Reasonable Means (2017) Natural Resources Wales
The version for Wales produced by the Sensory Trust for Natural Resources Wales. Available for free download.
By All Reasonable Means (2005) Natural England (2017) Natural Resources Wales
The version for England produced by the Sensory Trust for Natural England, available for free download.
Easy Access to Historic Landscapes (2015) Historic England
Advises on improving access in heritage settings and while it responds to the Equality Act 2010 it focuses on visitors with disabilities. Its companion publication ‘Easy Access to Historic Buildings’ provides valuable information for buildings.
Free to download from the Historic England website.
Inclusive mobility: A guide to best practice on access to pedestrians and transport infrastructure Department for Transport, 2002
Relates mainly to the urban environment, and the higher access standards outlined in this guide, but provides valuable information about inclusive design guidelines and specifications.
Free downloads – Welsh, English, .pdf and .rtf versions available
Paths for All Access Guidance
Guidance on accessible practices, from routes to signage, community walking programmes and managing access in the countryside. Free to download from the Paths for All website:
Planning for Inclusive Access in Wales
Good Practice Guidance Toolkit produced by Disability Wales in 2010. Free to download from the Disability Wales website.
Sensory Trust Access Guidance
Guidance on all aspects of inclusive design and accessible practices, from paths and routes, to seating, play and interpretation. Free to download from the Sensory Trust website.
Legislation, policy and standards
Equality Act 2010 Code of Practice: Services, Public Functions and Associations Statutory Code of Practice. Equality and Human Rights Commission, London.
Building Regulations 2010. Approved Document M: Access to and Use of Buildings NBS (National Building Specifications), 2004 edition with 2010 changes.
BS 8300-1:2018 Design of an accessible and inclusive built environment – external environment. Code of Practice. British Standards Institute.
BS 5709:2018. Gaps, gates and stiles. British Standards Institute.
A summary guide by the Pittecroft Trust explaining the key rules of BS 5709:2018
Community empowerment Act Scotland
The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. The National Archives.
DEFRA Good Practice Guidance on Public Path Structures - guidance for local authorities on compliance with the Equality Act 2010
National Planning Policy Framework. Department for Communities and Local Government, 2012
National disability Strategy, UK Government:
Statutory legislation and HMSO documents
Inclusive communications and accessible information
Plain English Campaign
A-Z of alternative words to help produce clearer writing.
Cymraeg Clir
Practical guidance for Welsh writing. Clear and easy to understand.
The Sign Design Society
Developing a new version of the Sign Design Guide which has been a key reference for the development of clear signage and wayfinding.
Signage Guidance for Outdoor Access – a Guide to Good Practice
Guidance on inclusive signage for outdoor sites and routes. Published by Paths for All and Scottish Natural Heritage (now NatureScot).