What are Widgits?
Widgits are small images that accompany text to help provide context and visual support for someone who needs extra help with reading and writing.
Adding Widgits to signs, interpretation, guidance and documents empowers more users to understand some or all of the messages that are being conveyed. It says 'we welcome and value you'.
The main programme for creating Widgits is called In Print. It allows you to easily create documents and resources and amend text as you see fit.
Simple steps for guaranteeing success
Time and time again we have seen the best intentions executed badly due to a couple of simple errors when using In Print. As an ex special needs teacher I can't tell you how many hours I have spent making Widgit resources. I have therefore created some handy tips on how to get the most of the amazing support Widgits can give someone.
Summary of Widgit top tips
1. Be concise
Having a symbol for every word can be overwhelming for someone who needs visual support. Once you have written the key words, you can edit the wording under each Widgit, to help the sentence make sense.
2. Be relevant
It's easy to change the symbol above the word. Make sure it depicts something that matches the context. You can also change the colours of a Widgit, so if you’re specifically talking about a blue car, you can change the picture of the car to be blue. This helps with comprehension.
3. Keep it simple
When making resources with Widgits you don't need to necessarily make anything really complicated. Simply having things like communication boards with key words, can help lots of people join in with activities or conversations they may not normally be able to if they didn’t have the visual support.